The original tree from which today’s Hidden Rose Apple trees are grown was located on land belonging to Lucky and Audrey Newell in Airlie, Oregon. The "parent tree" of the unique apple known as the Newell- Kimzey variety was growing in the middle of the Newells’ meadow just six feet from an abandoned, hand-dug well. This original tree from which all Hidden Rose brand of red fleshed apples come was still young in 1960 when the Newells moved to this land where they raised horses and cattle. The apple tree was too small for the Newells’ children to climb, so they played at the edge of the meadow where a spring bubbled up in the middle of an old orchard of larger fruit trees and grapes on this almost magical land where life was a wonder and yellow-green apples were red inside.
The Newells sold the eighty acres where this one and only red-fleshed apple stood and then moved to a larger property in the mid 1960's.
Two decades later, Louis Kimzey, former field manager at Thomas Paine Farms, was walking through the Newells’ old orchards and meadows when he picked an apple from a large tree and was amazed at what he found inside: the apple that has now become the world’s foremost red-fleshed apple fruit: the Hidden Rose
The Hidden Rose Apples® brand of Newell-Kimzey cv. apples is grown exclusively by Thomas Paine Farms in Kings Valley Oregon, just a few miles from where the original parent tree is located. Thomas Paine Farms certified organic Hidden Rose Apples, chestnuts, Asian pears and filberts are renowned for their high quality, rich flavor and nutritional benefits.
Hidden Rose Apples® are distributed nationally by Dragonberry Produce in Canby, Oregon
Mr. Bill Schulz was shown the Newell-Kimzey variety apple by Louis Kimzey Jr. in the 1980's when Mr Kimzey thought it might be a Pink Pearl apple. Mr. Schulz said that he felt it was a new variety. This is the very same apple that Lucky and Audrey Newell had presented to horticulturists at Oregon State University in the early 1960's as it was so remarkable.
HIDDEN ROSE APPLES® and HIDDEN ROSE® are federally registered trademarks of Cougar Ridge Co.